Thursday, 2 June 2016

SSC(CGL) Quant Mock Test-8(10-17 min) 20 Qn


1.In an election between 2 candidates , B gets 65% of total valid votes . If total votes were 6000, what is the no. Of valid votes that the other candidate A gets, if 25% of total votes were declared invalid.
a.1625 b.1575 c.1675  d.1525

 2.The ht. Of triangle is increased by 40% . what can be the maximum % increase in length of the base so that the increase in area is restricted to maximum of 60%.
a.50%  b.20%  c.14.28% d.25%

3. A and B have salaries that jointly amount to Rs10,000/- per month . They spend the same amount monthly and then it is found , that the ratio of their savings is 6:1. Which can be A’s salary.
a.6000  b.5000  c.4000  d.3000

4. A’s salary is first increased by 25% and then decreased by 20%. The result is same as B’s salary increased by 20% and then reduced by 25%. Find ratio of B’s salary to that of A’s.
a.4:3  b.11:10  c.10;9  d.12:11

5.Of the adult population in City A , 45% of the men and 25% of the women are married. What % of total population is married .
a.33.33%  b.32.14%  c.31.1%  d.NOT

6. A man buys two cycles for total Rs900/-.BY selling One at 4/5th of its cost and other at 5/4th of its cost ,he makes a profit of Rs90/- on the whole. Find the CP of lower priced Cycle.
a.360  b.250  c.300  d.420

7. A reduction of  10% in the price of sugar enables a housewife to buy 6.2 kg more for Rs279. Find the reduced price per kg.
a.5  b. 4.5  c.4.05 NOT

8.A shopkeeper allows a discount of 12.5% on MP of certain article and makes a profit of 20%. If the article cost the shopkeeper Rs210/-
a.280  b.288  c.300 d.NOT

9.A dishonest dealer marks up the price of goods by 20% and gives a discount of 10% to the customer. He also uses a wt of 900gm wt instead of I kg wt. Find profit %.
a.8%  b.12%  c.20% d.16%

10.A person makes a profit of 20% by selling an article. What would be the % change in the profit %, had he paid 10% less and customer paid 10% more for it.
a.125  b.120  c.133.33 d.150

11.A rickshaw dealer buys 30 rickshaw for Rs4725/- . Of these 8 are 4-seaters , rest are 2 seaters. At what price must he sell the four-seaters so that if he sells 2-seaters at ¾ of this price, he makes 40% profit on his outlay.
a.180  b.270  c.360  d.450

12. A jar full of milk contain 40% water. A part of this milk is replaced by another mix. containing 19% water and now the % of water is found to be 26%. The qty of milk replaced is
a.2/3  b.1/3  c.3/7  d.4/7

13. A train travels a distance of 300 km at a constant speed. If speed is increased by 5km/hr, the journey would take 2hr less .The original speed of train was
a.25 b.20  c.28. d.30

14.At an examination in which Maximum marks are 500, A got 10% less than B ,B got 25% more than C and C got 29% less than D. If A got 360 marks, what % marks was obtained by D.
a.60  b.72  c.55  d.80

15. C is twice as efficient as A.B takes thrice as many days as C. A takes 12Days to finish the work alone. If they work in pairs(AB,BC,CA) starting with AB on the first day,BC on 2nd day and AC on 3rd day and so on, then how many days are required to finish the work.
a.6.2  b.4.5  c.5(1/9)  d.8 days

16.A horse and a carriage together cost Rs8000. If by selling the horse at 10% profit and horse at 10% loss, total profit of 2.5% is made, find CP of the horse.
a.3000  b.3500  c.4000  d.5000

17.In an examination ,Mohit obtained 20% marks more than Sushant but 10% marks less than Rajesh. If the marks obtained by Sushant is 1080, find % marks obtained by Rajesh if MM are 2000.
a.72%  b.86.66 c.78.33  d.NOT

18.  2 pipes P and Q can fill a cistern in 3 and 6 min respectively. while R can empty it in 4 min. All 3 are opened together and after 2min R is closed. Find when the tank will be full.
a.3min  b.6 min  c.5min  d.8min.

19. Divide Rs 1586 in 3 parts such that their amount at end of 2,3,4 yr respectively at 5% P.a SI be equal.
a. 552,528,506   b.560,520,506  c.556,524,506  d.548,528,510

20. If 15men or 24 women or 36boys can do a piece of work in 12 days working 8hrs a day.How many men must be associated 12 women and 6boys to do another piece of work 2(1/4) times as great  in 30 days working 6hrs a day.
a.4  b.8  c.6  d.10


  1. Hi all, due to technical reasons,ans to test 8 will b uploaded tomorrow. Sorry for inconvenience.however revise percentage profit n loss.

  2. Hi all, due to technical reasons,ans to test 8 will b uploaded tomorrow. Sorry for inconvenience.however revise percentage profit n loss.
