Q1. The marked price of a watch is Rs1200/-, which is 20%
above C.P. It is sold at 10% discount on marked price. Find gain %.
Q2. By selling a shirt for Rs 960/- ,a man incurs 4% loss.
At what price should he sell it to gain 16%. a.1160/- b.1080/- c.1120/-
d.NOT Explanation
Q3. A sold a Chair to B at 15% profit. Later B sold it back to A at 20% profit thereby
gaining Rs69/-. How much did A pay originally.
Q4. A toy was sold at 20% profit. If CP was 5% less and it was sold for Rs7/- more, the gain would
have been 20%. Find CP.
Q5.A dishonest trader
at time of selling and purchasing weighs 10% less and 20% more per kg. Respectively.
Find profit % earned(Assuming He sells at CP)
Q6. The CP of 50 Oranges is equal to SP of 40 oranges . Find
profit %.
Q7. A book was sold at 20% loss. Had it been sold at Rs 12/-
more, He would have gained 30%. What would be the gain %, If it was sold for Rs
4.80/- more than what it was sold for.
Q8. The reduction of 10% in sugar price enable a person to buy 6.2 kg more for Rs 279/-. Find reduced
price per kg.
Q9. A man sells a watch for Rs 3450/- at 15% gain. He sells
another watch at 10% loss. If he neither gain nor loss on whole, find SP of 2nd
Q10. The profit earned when a lamp is sold for Rs800/- is 20 times the loss
incurred when it is sold for Rs275/- . At what price it should be sold as to make 25% profit,
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