Ans. key to test7 on Averages by 6pm
1. 61 2.22 3.166 4. 9 5. 98 6.72 7. 1537 approx. 8. 48 9. 20 10. 54
Solution Hindi English
1.Average weight of 10 people is 50kg. One person is added
to the group, the average increases by 1 kg. Weight of new person is……
2.The average weight of A,B,C is 40 kg. If average weight of
A and B is 35kg and that of B and C is 36kg. Find the weight of B……
3.Average ht. of 5 person is 162cm. If a person is removed ,
then the average ht. of the remaining people becomes 161 cm. Find the ht. of
person removed.
4.The average of n no’s is x. When 36 is subtracted from two
of the no’s ,the new average becomes ‘x-8’. Value of n is…
5.The average of 15 no’s is 31. Every no. is multiplied by 3
and then increased by 5. The new average of no’s will be….
6.In a class of 70 students. Ratio of boys and girls are
4:3. If average marks of whole class are 80% and average marks of boys is 86%. Find
the average marks of girls……
7.19 persons went to hotel for the Dinner. 13 of them spent
Rs 79 /- each and the rest spent Rs4/- more than the average expenditure of all
the 19.what was total money spent by them.
8.Out of the three no’s, first is twice the second and
thrice the third. The average of three
no’s is 88. The smallest of three no’s is….
9.The average of 5 consecutive no’s is 18. The highest of
these no. is ….
10.Average marks obtained by the student in 3 papers is 52
and in fourth he obtained 60 marks . Find his new average…